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Priestap Project
July 22-23 in SE Portland 

Screen Shot 2022-07-26 at 10.3We have helped the Priestap family a few times over the past several years. Mr. & Mrs. Priestap are in their 50’s, own their home, and are low-income. When we first served the family, our primary client was the 46-year-old brother of Mrs. Priestap who is severely disabled. He has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair, and needs assistance with all his daily activities. His sister is his caretaker. In addition to this, Mr. Priestap has been battling cancer recently. This family really needs our help, and this Summer we returned to replace their leaky roof!

This project was completely taken care of by our amazing partners, who donated materials and labor at no cost!  It's so wonderful to be connected to wonderful people and organizations who step-up to help vulnerable people in our community.